

G-Audit is designed to help banks and financial institutions streamline their internal audit processes, enhance risk management, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


  • Risk Assessment and Management: Identify and assess risks within the bank’s operations, allowing internal auditors to focus on critical areas.

  • Audit Planning: Plan and schedule audit activities, including scoping, assigning responsibilities, and defining audit objectives and criteria.

  • Document Management: Manage and store audit documentation, including policies, procedures, workpapers, and evidence, in a centralized and secure location.

  • Automated Workflows: Define audit workflows to ensure a consistent and standardized audit process. Workflow automation helps assign tasks, track progress, and notify relevant stakeholders.

  • Checklist and Testing Templates: Create and use standardized checklists and testing templates to ensure that audit procedures and tests are consistently applied.

  • Compliance Monitoring: Monitor compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies through automated checks and alerts.

  • Issue Tracking and Remediation: Record and track audit findings and recommendations, assign responsibilities, and monitor the progress of issue resolution.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate comprehensive audit reports and dashboards, providing insights into audit findings, risk trends, and compliance status.

  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate with other systems and databases, such as accounting and financial systems, to access necessary data for auditing.

  • Control Testing and Sampling: Perform control testing and statistical sampling to ensure the bank’s processes and controls are effective and in compliance.

  • Security and Access Controls: Maintain strict security measures to protect sensitive audit data and limit access to authorized personnel.


  • Efficiency: Internal audit software streamlines audit processes, reducing manual work and associated administrative tasks.

  • Accuracy: Automation reduces the risk of human error in data collection and analysis.

  • Risk Management: Banks can identify and address risks more proactively, reducing exposure to potential issues.

  • Compliance: The software helps ensure that the bank complies with regulatory requirements, reducing compliance risks and associated penalties.

  • Consistency: Standardized processes and templates promote consistent audit practices throughout the organization.

  • Transparency: Auditors, management, and stakeholders can access audit documentation and reports, enhancing transparency.

  • Issue Resolution: Tracking and monitoring audit issues ensures that identified problems are addressed promptly.

  • Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports that can be easily shared with management, regulators, and other stakeholders.

  • Resource Optimization: Effective risk assessment and prioritization lead to better resource allocation.

  • Time and Cost Savings: Automation and streamlined processes reduce the time and resources required for audits.

  • Improved Collaboration: Collaboration features allow audit teams to work together more effectively.

  • Scalability: The software can grow with the bank’s audit needs, accommodating a larger audit universe as the institution expands.

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